What to do when you are injured in an Accident
Automobiles are a way of life in the US and across the globe, as such, accidents are inevitable. With over 143 million Americans commuting every day, there is no doubt that accidents are bound to happen – with no end in sight.

According to statistics, about 1.3 million individuals die in vehicle collisions globally every year. A report published on Safer America reveals that in 2016, there were more than 34,400 fatal car accidents reported to the authorities. Of these crashes, there were 37,461 deaths, including 25,096 car occupants, 7,079 non-occupants, and 5,286 motorcyclists. Luckily, not all car accidents lead to fatalities. Some only cause major or minor injuries. But still, this does not make an accident any less devastating.
With the prevalence of accidents across the globe, knowing what to do in case, you are hurt (or if someone close to you succumbs to the injuries) is vital. In …
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