What Is The Difference Between Civil Law And Criminal Law?


The law can be divided into two broad branches; civil and criminal. Both branches have their own set of rules and processes, and both require different sets of knowledge. In most cases, lawyers will practice one or the other so a criminal lawyer won’t take on civil cases though they might offer advice. Some lawyers have the skill and experience to represent both sides efficiently. Here’s a look at the differences between these two fields.

What is Civil Law?


Civil Law deals with private disputes between people, organizations, and entities. These cases don’t involve violation of criminal law and are always filed by a private party. The judge presiding over the case will decide whether a party is liable or not and juries are rarely involved in such cases unless necessary.


What is Criminal Law?


Criminal law deals with crimes that cause physical, mental, or property damage in some form

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The B-BBEE Scorecard Explained

As a modern business imperative in South Africa, having the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard explained is vital to business success. Also known as simply BEE to many, having the BEE certificate that comes with meeting the requirements of the scorecard is essential to business being able to operate successfully. So here is a brief overview of what is expected in each of the five B-BBEE scorecard elements:



Ownership measures the black ownership of your business. The current ownership criteria require businesses to be 51{c4d976c6d7323d399b11046b361722ee07be3129afaeb59624aa397adea1d60f} black owned to be fully compliant.

Management and Control

This element measures the participation of black people in the management and control of your business. Proving that your business includes black people in management is vital to your BEE certification because it proves that you are not involved in fronting practices, and that you are pursuing the true empowerment objectives of B-BBEE.…

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Finding Relief In Your Depression From Your Accident

There are many people who have been involved in Very serious motor vehicle accidents in the United States. Some people have faced very minor accidents that may have caused a minor fender-bender, while many other people have faced vehicle accidents that have completely caused them to experience significant losses such as losing their vehicle, losing their home and even losing their possession of their children. According to ASIRT.org, statistics show that approximately more than 20 to about 50 million people all over the globe who end up experiencing serious motor vehicle accidents that cause them physical injuries. Some of the injuries that could be faced after dealing with a serious motor vehicle accident include: a head injury, a brain injury, nerve damage, spinal damage, cuts, scrapes, internal bleeding, organ damage and many other injuries that may cause you to spend a significant amount of your personal time trying to recover …

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Das Gesetz Hat Oft Eine Direkte Verbindung Zu Jedem Teil Unseres Lebens

Image result for Verbindung Zu Jedem Teil Unseres Lebens

Das Gesetz interagiert auf unterschiedlichste Weise mit unserem Leben. Wir neigen jedoch dazu, vorher festgelegte Vorstellungen darüber zu haben, wie dies im Allgemeinen geschehen wird. Meistens denken wir über das Gesetz nach, als wäre es stark von uns getrennt. Wir betrachten das Gesetz selten als tröstliche Präsenz. Und die Vorstellung, dass das Gesetz in irgendetwas, das der Intimität im entferntesten ähnelt, in unser Leben eintritt, reicht aus, um die meisten Menschen nervös zu machen.

Aber die einfache Tatsache ist, dass das Gesetz da ist, um uns zu schützen. Nicht nur Menschen im abstrakten Sinne schützen. Stattdessen ist es am besten, die Präsenz des Gesetzes in unserem Leben als direkte Form des Schutzes zu betrachten. Es kann sich wie eine Erkältung anfühlen und sogar die Anwesenheit von außen kalkulieren. Aber es ist wichtig zu bedenken, dass dies nicht unbedingt eine schlechte Sache ist. Die Tatsache, dass sich das Gesetz kalt und …

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Renewing Your Life With Compensation After The Accident

Every year, millions of men and women will face changes in their lives that they did not plan for. For example, car accidents are one of the most detrimental and destructive things that can ever happen to an individual. So many negative events will be the consequence of involvement in a car accident. Not only can physical injuries be faced, but you may also possibly deal with a significant amount of losses in your life. You may possibly lose the ability to also perform any physical movement because of the severity of your car accident injuries. In fact, according to the CDC, more than 2 million adults end up facing injuries that are so severe they end up becoming permanent and have to try to recover from them the rest of their lives. Because of these severe accident injuries, many people have been forced to live a life that …

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