California Initiates Bail Reform With SB-10

In a thoughtful move designed to provide fair treatment to low income defendants, the state of California has passed Senate Bill 10. This law pertains to bail system that is currently cash based.

The cash bail system involves the accused paying a sum of money to the court as assurance that they will appear in court for the trial. Paying bail releases the accused from incarceration till the time of trial or arraignment. This system is a significant disadvantage to the those from the lower income brackets. It is shocking to learn that two thirds of the inmates in prison are those who are awaiting trial and cannot afford bail. Apart from being unfair to the defender, it is a drain on the State’s resources to house inmates that do not have to be there.

And so, Senate Bill 10 was formulated and passed in California with the intent to …

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Common Medical Mistakes That You Should Know About

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There are an unsettling number of medical mistakes that happen annually. In fact, it’s been estimated that medical mistakes is the number one cause of death, even above heart disease. Despite the stringent laws and requirements of hospitals and medical facilities, serious injuries and even death result because of mistakes that could have been prevented. Information about any medical malpractice harrisburg pa is sought out when families experience unimaginable loss.

A common medical mistake is infections. This is a problem across all areas of medicine, but the highest rates occur in the intensive care unit, neonatal and pediatric care. There are many protocols and procedures that are intended to prevent infection. When there is a lack of adherence, the possibility of an infection increases. It’s a common reason why mothers die after giving birth and the rates of death are not are not slowing down. In fact, studies show an …

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When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for an Automobile Accident

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In general, you may not need a lawyer when you get in a car accident. They are relatively easy to handle most of the time, but there are instances when an automobile lawyer is necessary. You want to learn what you can about basic policy claims.

Things to Think About

If you are thinking of hiring an auto accident lawyer joliet il, you want to consider
who is at fault. If there are questions about who is at fault, an automobile accident lawyer may be a good idea. Another good reason to get representation would be when the insurance company is fighting the claim, you may want to consult an attorney for further assistance. You may need to have help gathering all of the evidence that you can to help you in court when there is a dispute over who is actually at fault. Insurance companies don’t tend to …

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What to Do If You Are in an Accident and Injured in Another State

When you think of getting injured in another state, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Typically, most people imagine that they were involved in a car accident, but personal injuries can be the result of a great number of other types of accidents as well. Consider for a moment going out of town during the holidays and the sidewalks are covered in ice. You are staying at a plush hotel in Chicago and the hotel didn’t ice the walkway or shovel away a buildup of snow.

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Should you slip and fall, breaking a leg or injuring yourself in some other way, you may wish to find an experienced accident lawyer in Illinois to represent you in a lawsuit against the hotel. It was their negligence, after all, that led to the accident and you want just compensation for your pain and suffering as well …

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10 Unique Rules in Different Countries You Need to Know Before Visiting There

Each country does have unique rules and different. Some banned spitting, feeding pigeons, even chewing gum.

Each country has different and unique rules. The unique rules are created to preserve the environment in the country and to preserve the culture that has existed for many years. The rules may seem strange to tourists who come because it is different from the culture of the country of origin. But tourists still have to appreciate it.

Before you go on holiday to various countries, you must know some rules you need to know so that you will not get punished.

  1. It is forbidden to save people drowning in China

If you are in China and choose the beach as your destination, you should be careful there. If you see a person drowning in the middle of the sea, you are strictly forbidden to save him. Because saving a drowning person is illegal.…

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