5 Principles that Defines the Rule of Law and Justice System in the United States
Aside from other authority websites, the content of the U.S. Constitution can be found on ReviewsBird.com. The rule of law is embedded in the Constitution as the fundamental means that codify the value of citizens.
Many countries of the world have the rule of law to ascertain justice and fairness. The United Nations Organization founded after World War II also has its rule of law for international affairs. Many law firms perceive the rule of law to be the laws that express the intent of the people. In a democratic society, no one is above any other person. That is, there is no superior person before the law. Thus, the representatives of the people, that is the legislature, are those who amend the laws. They ensure that the will of the people is achieved through the provisions of the U.S. Constitution.
As a system based on simple majority rule, …
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